A Mother's Death, A Daughter's Tears

My mother died on 5/11/05 after fighting lung cancer for over 14 months. This blog will document my journey of coming to grips with the loss of the most important woman in my life.

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

My real name is Kim and I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA. I am 44 years old, married, and have two step-daughters. I own five parrots & one dog, a Miniature Schnauzer. I have a pet sitting business http://parrotnanniesmn.com/.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

March 2004

In early March of 2004 (I don't recall the exact date) I got a call from my Mother saying that her doctor had found a suspicious looking spot on her lung x-rays. A biopsy would needed to find out what it was but with my Mother's 35 plus years of smoking, it is a good bet it is lung cancer. How ironic since she had quit smoking several years before. Our entire family lived in fear & uncertainty for several days until our worst fears were confirmed--the spot on the x-ray was Small Cell Lung Cancer.

My Mother passed away on May 11th 2005 after battling the cancer for 14 months. During that year she went through Hell with chemotherapy and radiation treatment. During those 14 months she also experienced a lot of wonderful events: my sister's marriage, the birth of a grandchild, and seeing her children pull together in a time of crisis & prove to ourselves and her that we were a family.

So, here I am now, motherless. Wondering what the future holds, wondering what the past means, and wondering why my Mother had to die when she was only 63 years old. That is why I have created this blog: to explore my thoughts, feeling, and emotions as I journey through the grief of my Mother's death. I hope that by sharing my story (and of course my Mother's story) that others who are going through this experience will know that they are NOT alone.

So let the story begin....